MBSE Email Disclaimer regarding Qualifications & Courses

Important restrictions, disclosures and disclaimers (the “Disclaimer”) apply to this e-mail. This MBSE Email Disclaimer forms part of the content of this e-mail in terms of Section 11 of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002. 

This e-mail, its contents and any file attachments transmitted with it are intended solely for the addressee(s) and may contain confidential proprietary information.

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E-mail transmissions cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free and MBSE , therefore, does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this message nor for any loss or damage caused as a result of the e-mail being intercepted or the recipient being infected with any virus or other malicious code.

MBSE does not endorse any opinions, conclusions, data or other information contained in this e-mail which is unrelated to the official business of MBSE and furthermore accepts no liability in respect of the unauthorised use of its e-mail facility or the sending of e-mail communications for other than strictly business purposes.

Please note that MBSE reserves the right to access, block, monitor and intercept e-mail addressed to Users in Moonstone in accordance with Moonstone’s e-mail policy.

*MBSE: Moonstone Business School of Excellence (Pty) Ltd
              Registration number: 2005/020855/07